Established in 1965 as a ‘Libera Università’, Università degli Studi G. d’Annunzio of Chieti (aka UdA) became state-owned in 1982. Since then, its mission has always been addressed towards broadening the frontiers of knowledge at 360 degrees, from Humanities to Economics, from Architecture to Neurosciences and Legal Sciences – to cite a few- as well as towards the understanding of the world in which we live, with its thousands of different cultures, histories and stories.
With its international courses, cutting-edge facilities laboratories and audio-visual equipment spread over two campuses, one up the hills and one close to the sea, with its two schools and 13 Departments, UdA attracts countless high–profile international visiting students and academics, every year. Through European and international partnerships, student mobility programmes within Europe and overseas, research projects and teaching excellence, UdA promotes the advancement of knowledge and research nationally and internationally. It also invests in strategic partnerships with world-class institutions, university networks, private and public companies.